The Richest Season by Mary McFadden was a very enjoyable read, four stars.
Joanna is an empty nester, a corporate wife, and a very lonely housewife. Her husband's job as a successful salesman has had them uprooted too many times to count, and he gives all of his time to his career. Joanna finally decides that this is not the life she had in mind for herself and heads down to Pawley's Island, South Carolina, where she becomes the live in assistant of an older woman with a terminal illness. Her husband Paul's life is suddenly and drastically altered and he has more time to come to some understanding of what life has been like for his wife for the past couple of decades. Is it too late for a fresh start since Joanna has begun building a new life and relationships far from him? You can feel for all of the characters here. Somehow people just lose touch with the ones who should matter most to them while they are pursuing what they think should be making them happy or successful, when what really counts has been right there for them the whole time.